As adults, it helps when we are encouraged, possibly some of us welcome compliments and encouragement all at the same time. It helps give us a push just to go further, right? Certainly! Our children look forward to us as parents to recognize their accomplishments and to encourage them if they’re having challenges. Sometimes thats all it takes is for that Dad or Mom to call their son or daughter and just take time to listen, ask how they are doing, if they need anything, maybe even give words of wisdom. We as parents don’t have to convey every detail of our past to our children, but it is okay to let them know that we as parents haven’t always had it good or bad. Our adult children should know we understand and love them in spite of successes or challenges. It maybe helpful if we stoped long enough to learn their interest, let them speak about plans for the future. I’m so thankful and grateful for my parents. Both of my parents knew how to listen and not be judgmental. They both knew that parenting didn’t stop when we became adults. Thankfully, both parents allowed us to grow up, but if anyone of us seemed we needed encouragement, my mom or dad would be all over it. They knew just what to say, when to say it and left you feeling uplifted. My parents didn’t allow themselves to be in our lives as intruders, but both parents knew how important it was to encourage others. Hopefully, some of us can stop taking our adult sons and daughters and their age for granted. Your love, time, and presence just might be needed.
Remember to encourage others, especially your children, like you would want to be encouraged. Until next time!!
Your friend,