Yes, that’s right a purpose and a plan.
No one can take your place as you. There is only one of you, even if you were born through multiple births, you are who you are with your own personality. You have your own spiritual gifts. You have love to give and there’s a plan for you. You may be someone that feels like, but I’m broken how can I give, encourage, or love anyone?? I’ve made so many mistakes. Well, do you actually think you were made to be miserable and unhappy? No, not true! Do you know broken people are one of the best storytellers? A person that is considered broken, your plan may be for you to share your experiences with others, or to counsel someone, think about it friend, you have first-hand knowledge and experience because you’ve been through it! For those that worked very hard, and have been blessed to further their education and receive degrees, I totally admire them. Lots of commitment, sacrifices, challenges, and organizing. With that being said, I will never make light of that nor hate on anyone’s accomplishments. All of our journeys are different. It does not mean you can’t be useful in helping others.
Sometimes, we feel we need titles and degrees to reach people. If you push through furthering your education, that’s a plus! You have something to give and to offer. Sometimes spending time with God and asking him to show us our purpose, he, in his time will reveal our purpose or skills. Please don’t allow yourself to feel you’re not good enough or you have carried too much junk or garbage. When we let go of our junk and throw it out, it just might become someone else’s treasure.
You are who God designed you to be!
Thanks friends!